Okay so I know it's actually evening but I had a really good morning!
Let me show you why!:
See that!! That is my Zinnia's!! I have a WHOLE bunch of them sprouting! I can not tell you how excited I was and am! The only thing I'm worried about are my carnations. So far I haven't seen any of them sprout. But I did find 6 seeds that were hiding in the package! I planted them and my last Zinnia Seed that was hiding in it's package! I am so excited to see them all grow! I hope I get flowers before winter!!
Also my Ox Heart Is putting off a tomato! Yay! I finally found out why I haven't been getting anymore before now. The birds have been eating my blooms, I tried to fish that this morning though!
My basil is still doing so amazing! It is unbelievable how much is it growing!
My Strawberry plant has given me two more blooms!
I'm just having trouble with these weird mushrooms around it. I pluck them all the time, but I'm having trouble making them go away(around most of the plants) I think it may be the soil I bought...
This is a picture of my zucchini! It is doing great! Two of the three survivors are doing just great!!! I really miss my cucumbers though..

Look! Another one from my lemon boy! It's just great how many tomatoes it is putting off right now!
That rain on the fourth was a huge blessing! Not only did I not have to get up to water my plants, but they seem to be doing great!(obviously lol)
What is my secret you ask??? God and Miracle Grow. It's the former more than the latter though...
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