Sunday, March 21, 2010


So we spent about an hour and a half to two hours at Kohls doing our registry.It was really fun, but rainy outside lol
We put A LOT of stuff on there and we've got to go back and take a few things off(we put a few multiples of plates on there).

Here I am, doing their little computer things.
He decided to get a close up
We're pretty hot with the gun right?

When we returned the gun, the guy who took is was like, ya'll have quiet a few pages.
So in my head, of course, I remark, What you expected only two?

Well, I've got to get started on drawing sketches for a friends baby shower cake. It's actually a really interesting one, if you're lucky, I'll show you the picts lol


Here is the post I promised you!! Long awaited I know. They are not finished, we still have to have them printed on. Which isn't too big of a deal, since I finally convinced myself, that we have another week to get the printing done. But here we are getting them all beautified!! lol Joshua made me mad, so I branded him! lol
here he is, watching a cop show, and helping me with the invites as I took my step sister to her open maternity!
this is is the second day of doing invites! It's not that we have a lot because we definitely don't, but company came over and you know how that is lol

RSVP cards and envolopes!

I really love how they turned out. They have a rustic/vintage feel to them!

it's pretty exciting. We just have to get the hotels blocked and go visit one to see if it's worth blocking. I'm excited! Can't wait to show you how the registry went in the morning!! It was too cute

Friday, March 19, 2010

Relax It's JUST a wedding...

I have to try and remind myself of this a lot lately.
See, I have anger problems,
coupled with stress,
I tend to have mood swings...a lot. And frequently.
I am however working on getting over it.

It's about the marriage, not the wedding. But I'm borderline perfectionist, and Josh IS OCD. All I can see is the pile of things I have to be getting done. I don't even know if we are having a honeymoon, and I just realized this. Not to mention my stress level went up several decibels about two weeks after he lost his job. Even though he did just get his little unemployment card, it really isn't as much help as we need. Okay I'm going to end this little sulking chapter and move on.

I'm to lazy to post the invite photos just yet, so I'll tell you just what we have planned tomorrow.
First, if I don't get called into work, we are going to do our registry!! Then go to his parents house to get a few things. Not to mention we are going to go to HobbyLobby and use our awesome coupons! yay money saving! lol

Thursday, March 18, 2010


So I don't take rejection to badly, but when it comes to weddingbee, ya know...
So the disappointment of being rejected twice, plus the hectic ness of life, I haven't had a chance to post, but don't worry, there is a huge post about invites coming up.... for sure!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Office Max How I love you...

Let me tell you why...
Because you can print on my tiny invitations....
That is correct, I went to Office Max first and the girl said they could print on my invites! THANK GOD!! Because I then went to Kinkos, no. Then Staples, NO!! Kinkos did suggest I try Instiprints and something I can remember in Evelyn Hills Shopping Center and I don't really know where either of those are, so I am hoping that the girl at Office Max did not lie to me. Because there will be some bridezilla coming out. Especially when the main guy that worked the Impressions was about half an hour late(I know this for a fact because Josh and I waited.)

So we are now at my mom so we can use the internet because roommate/cousin shut the internet off at the apartment with out telling us. So next week we will have it again, and tv because the bundle was cheaper lol. Anyways we are here so that we can find just what we want the invites to say. Suggestions?

I've got what I want the invitation part to say and the RSVPs, I'm just looking for the betweens lol

We also went to Festivities today to get started on renting the things we need. That was way to fun. We are torn between the long tables and the round ones. By we I literally mean he and I! I want the round he wants the long lol

I am very excited to let you guys know how it goes!!

Monday, March 8, 2010


It's been a pretty blah day. It started off pretty good! You know the morning wake up in bed and giggle and play fight. At least that's what we do. lol

Then some things about a ticket happened, I would really rather not get into it because I'll just end up really angry!

I'm not going to lie I don't know exactly what all we are going to be able to do wedding stuff because money is getting a little tight. Very unexpected things have popped up.

So I'm looking into crafty ways to make some extra money because we really need it, especially since we are moving. Pray for us. Please. I know we'll be okay I'm just a little worried out our moving fund!

Sweet dreams guys!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Long Weekend.

I know it's just saturday night but it feels like its been two weekends piled into one!! I can't really tell you how fatigued and tired I am. I don't really know why, except part of it is Joshua's fault. He woke up in the middle of the night, after having a really really bad dream. It involved me cheating with a sex therapist(he told me that this morning after the initial scare me to death wake me up in the middle of the night. So it could have been a second dream), and being beaten to death by some crazy guy in the woods. I know that doesn't sound scary but I left the details out! But anyways my mom had a yard sale today and yesterday so after work I went to her house to help. Today was supposed to be one of my two days off but I went in to work a pancake breakfast! Then just a few hours ago we got into a little tiff with our roommate/cousin over the electric bill but it's really not a big deal. At least not to me....anymore.

So instead of getting everything done that I needed/wanted to do for the invites! But I did decide that we will use glue gun wax instead of actual wax for the seals because it is more flexible and won't be ruined in the mail!! I've also got to find a laser printer and labels, and maybe some postal stamps. I am so excited about these bad boys. I think tuesday we will go to festivities and give them our initial head count get a small estimate on what it will cost and book it and all that.

Because monday I'll be going to put in an application for a second job. We could use the extra money for when we move!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


My invites are here!!!
see see see!!!

the envelope part
all together!
the RSVP card and envolope
they look great! I am so excited!

I have been waiting and waiting and going crazy! I think saturday we are going to put them all together. So I've got to get addresses, look through cute stamps


which fonts we wont all of that amazing jazz!!

Saturday I will make cake! and yummy hot dogs! and maybe red box something...we'll see...

In my impatience last night I started the MR and MRS place setting signs. I'm tracing them because I most definitely do not have the pretty hand writing like this.

Hopefully I'll finish them soon

Monday, March 1, 2010

DOGS and animals

The mister and I are dog people. Well, he's a dog person and I"m an everything person.
From funny looking monkeys:



and cute little ones


little kitties


(for a possum this ones pretty cute its a leadbeater possum)



(this guy is ramon he's a Brazilian ocelot, an endangered species)



(this is a baby bongo!)


(baby red panda if your wondering)


Okay I think you get the point. I'm trying to plan a get away trip to a zoo! I haven't been to a zoo since I was about 6or7. Except this one time when I was 10 my mom and her "roommate" took his daughter and I to this lion place. Where there were a bunch of lions in cages and one bear. We don't really get to go have fun a lot and going to the movies gets really old. So to get a break from the stress going on now I think we're going to take a zoo trip. Maybe I'll get some inspirations from there!! haha who knows!! Like maybe little animals on the napkins or something cute like that. It's really sad how many beautiful animals are endangered now.

That includes sea life!! I wanted to be a marine biologist for a little while, well I would love to just be a zoologist.

And I have thought about that all day. I am very fascinated with animals and very very interested in wedding planning. So here's what I'm thinking...I am going to learn quite a lot about animals and going to pursue a career in wedding planning. I am very excited and it helps even more that Joshua supports me!

Oh!!! I forgot here are cute dog pictures!!!

this one is our puppy!! it's from a camping trip back in like...november. Before she was almost eaten by my uncles dog!

this is joshs granny's puppy!!!


how amazing is this dog!!!!


(found this and it was just too cute not to share!!)


Okay I know I've over loaded you with pictures and I am sorry! lol its just. . . come on. . . this is way to cute!!

I can't say that I have a favorite dog, but wolves and big exotic dogs are on the top. Big fluffy ones and little fluffy ones. Okay I love the fluffy dogs!

on a sad note, the invites aren't here yet. They should have been here friday, then they should have been here today, but hey I guess as long as I do finally get them I'll be happy.