Sunday, July 31, 2011


So I am here at home, with mah dogs. Sick.

and it sucks because I have NO VOICE. Not to mention I'm stuffy.

I was feeling pretty good last night as we made the drive back home from my in-laws, but the closer we got to home the stuffier I got. Not to mention that this morning was not very pleasant. Again I had weird dreams last night and woke up with my throat hurting more that the previous two days. Hubby is pretty sure I have laryngitis, he is probably right. I didn't want to make the kids sick or anyone else sick at church so I stayed home. Which is good because I didn't get a lot of rest yesterday and I'm pretty sure it's working its way out of me.

My best friend is going to let me borrow her humidifier(i totally need to buy one!!!!) so hopefully I'll be all better much faster!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

More Organization!

Well first off let me tell you that I wrote a few more pages in one of my books! But I am starting to worry that I'm ruining the whole thing, I've never actually finished one of my books. Or gotten this close to the end... eek!

So yesterday I was inspired again. This time it was Martha Stewart.

the before

the after

the before, I actually took a few things out before taking this pict!

the after!

yay me. I am gettin mah house in order!

Well I'm hoping for a busy day today. So far on my plate: going to the gym, vacuuming the car, having lunch with Josh, possibly meeting with a friend, possibly having dinner with a friend...But I need something to fill the slots in between.

I leave you with a video of my dogs! Please excuse the messy room(it was laundry time).

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Buck Fever

For all ya'll that aren't country, buck fever is not curable.

I wish I had a few bucks from last year, but I didn't shoot any and neither did Josh. But this year is going to be different! We BOTH will be hitting our bag limit!! WOOT WOOT!

That means that all the tags that we buy for deer are going to be used!

Deer meat is amazing if you cook it right! My mom is actually going to give us a bunch of meat because she and Jim-dad don't really like it. Their loss my gain!!

Okay so I really flunked on my weight loss challenge. And I am going to get on the band wagon. It is time for me to seriously get toned up and into shape. I would post a picture if I wasn't so insecure about it! I'll probably just do a before and after once I get where I want to get. I may do milestone marks...we'll see lol!

(My buck fever is horrible...)

Gotta go! I'm being pulled from the computer

Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday To Do List!

Ugh is it just me or do the Monday come with huge to do lists?

It doesn't help that I am a bit of a procrastinator and I usually get things started at like 2...

Well I got the okay from Josh to do the things to the front yard that I'm wanting to do. But I have to take it all apart when we start to brick the house :( I can survive though because the way things are looking that going to be next year and I will probably want to redo the whole thing by then. On my checklist for that I need:
1. Landscaping timbers
2. Dirt, GOOD dirt!
3. That black mesh/tarp to keep the weeds away
4. Some more plants.
Right now we've got zinnias and I may have a carnations popping, not sure yet! I think I may add some sort of grass thing and maybe some sunflowers...

I'm really excited as to where this is going to go. I also want to put some more fill dirt in the back yard but Josh pointed out that there really is no way to get it back there. See we kind of live on a slope, an almost hill but not quite. The rain is slowing washing all the ground away from my house and I really don't like it. Right now I really can't do anything about it since we are going to brick the house because it will all have to be dug away. So I guess I'm going to have to suffer until it's all over with!

If you can't tell I like list. As much as I like list it's the "to do's" that make always make me stumble. So far I have only checked off one thing, and it's only partially checked off as I'm waiting for my insurance agent to get back to me. Only 11 things are left!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

One Week Mark!

One whole week

And I am not as far as I want to be but oh well.

So to The Real Housewives(of New Jersey). As mush as Joshua can't stand it, I like it almost as much every other woman loves it. But I love it because I try to keep drama out of my life. The only place i want drama is on my tv! I'm going to go ahead and Amen myself on that one lol! Oh and it (both house wive shows I watch ie New York and New Jersey) reminds me of who I don't want to be.

I plan to one day have a good chunk of change in my/our account. I will not be blwoing it on frivolous things or throwing it away on stupid expensive clothes. I will be doing a lot for people in need. I am NO saint nor am I trying to be "look at me and what I do/can do" kind of thing. See this is how I see it, when I die that money is all staying here on Earth, ain't none of going to heaven and what would I rather be remembered for?? For being really rich? Or for helping others and showing the love of Christ?

P.S. If any housewives do read this please tone the cussing down and if you're going to keep referencing Christ take his teachings into consideration with your actions, your words and your clothes. Please.

Anyways I have failed on my watering drinking today. Not to mention my bible reading, and post card sending. I may need to tone that down to one post card a month or every two weeks. BUT I did write some of one of my stories!! woohoo I'm getting closer to the end!

hmm..I don't have any pictures to throw in so I'm going to go to bed! Night!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

My hero

So I finally figured out how I was going to accomplish #93 for this week! I told Joshua how much he means to me and how much I love him and how I see how hard he works for me and all that he does.

Not to mention I just told him he was my hero for conquering the jungle in the back yard!! I am so proud and happy, he even conquered the one in the dog pin! yippee!!

Did I mention I was in tears this morning as I told him all of the above things? Yeah he really appreciated it.

Well we helped our best friends move and it was a lot of fun. We got to meet some of his military buddies, they were great and such a help. Unloading was SO MUCH faster. I love spending time with them, they really are some of our best friends, pretty much like family!

Day Six

And the world comes crashing down.

I'm obviously writing this early, it's about 830, so that early enough on a Saturday. Well we have over drawn our account. And I completely take the blame for it, I've been holding onto my insecurities and fears. Now look what it's done. So I am taking this as a pretty good sign from God that I need to step it up and be the woman he made me to be.

See I pray for boldness all the time and trust me I'm more bold than I was back in the day, but I still have stumbling blocks that I need to work over. Which I am going to do and I am going to make both God and my husband proud. From now on it's pedal to the medal, hitting the ground running kind of deal. If I want to be a Corporate Director(and honestly I want to go way farther than that) then I need to do something about it. I need to be the outgoing girl I really am and I need to get things going by taking the advice of those who have already succeeded before in this business. I'll make mistakes(like I did yesterday) but from every mistake I make I learn something and will not make that mistake again. That mistake will get me where I want to be.

Right now I am poor and there is nothing wrong with it. God would never put me in a situation that is too big for HIM. There is nothing he can't handle(obviously) and this is all just going to help me grow in him. Sure things are hard, but they won't always be. I won't let them.
'If GOD be fore me, then who can be against me?'
love it.

Also I have been slacking in my reading of the word, I was going to get up this morning at 6am and read but I just couldn't. I let me flesh get in the way, I was so tired and I really should have gotten up. So two night I will be spending two hours reading. No tv, no internet tv and no music with words, only classical.

Sorry I just had to get all of this off my chest! Don't worry there will be more later!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day Five

It's hotter than Bieber ! I saw that when I went to check me yahoo mail and just had to copy it!
so funny!

I went to my best friends new duplex today, and I love it! They got a great deal! It has a ton of room a really good yard and is just totally nice! I even called and told Josh when we build our house I want a few things like the duplex! There is a vaulted ceiling(love!) the cabinets are all cherry(double love!) and there is a light over the sink like I want now! We are helping them move tomorrow, which is going to be tons easier since their daughter will be with her Pop-pop!

It's amazing how high energy kids are! Cay was doing laps around us and never stopped running. She is definitely going to have a good nap!

So I am in a pretty big organization mode. Mainly I'm trying to get my house in order both literally and spiritually. And because I want to furnish and organize my house with out spending ridiculous amounts of money I got onto and was inspired. Here is the bathroom!
the before (please don't ask about the toilet paper or the dish soap lol)
the after!! yay me

and here is the in between
This is a yummy Arkansas Plum Jelly that my grama sent me
I emptied it into a storage dish and put it back in the fridge, then I washed out the jar
put the ring back on and tyed a pretty bow around it

next I washed a broken glas storage dish and used a glue stick to glue it back together!
not perfect but oh well!
then I added the soap and you can't even see the crack can you!? :)

And here is a tid bit from my morning!

See those nails? For some reason I really enjoy gardening, it is really calming to me. Even though the dirt under my nails is really annoying and can sometimes almost hurt, I don't mind.

it's even gorgeous dirty!

Besides all the hard work is worth it! look at that thing, trust me it's a behemoth!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day Four

And the UBER excitement is on!

I heard back from NWACC yesterday, the financial adviser. She gave me the info I needed and a few attachments to help me with pay for college. So taking care of #98 is in the process. Not going to lie I am a little nervous, but I can't wait to get it over with.

I found some Bob and Toms that I love.

So many shoes so little money!! I really do love both the Bobs and the Toms because I have heard great reviews about both brands and both donate a pair of shoes when you buy a pair. I'm hoping to buy a pair or two when I go up to Minneapolis! So #99 you better watch your back!

Today has been fun! I went to a puppy play date with a high school friend of mine, the best part is I don't think we ever spoke to each other as much as we did today when we were in high school. Kind of sad kind of funny. I was totally going to get a picture of him picking up his dogs poop, but Fonzi kind of played a joke. He acted like he was going potty for like 3minutes and when my friend went over there he couldn't find it. So I though I would try to help...I couldn't find it either. So we had a conversation about doggy poo, it was great.

This is how pathetic Goby was afterwards. It was fun though! We were pretty much the ONLY people/dogs there and even though it was horribly hot it was fun. Goby was much more well behaved then I thought he would be(that my be because of the heat though... :/ ) But in all seriousness it's amazing how much the heat can drain you, we are both just lazing around!

Well, I've got to get some dishes done! Hope your day was exciting!

Day Three

So far so good.

I am working on getting the list of recipes that I will be trying, this also helps me with #88(Redo my recipe notebook). There are a ton of recipes in there that I have yet to try, which is pretty sad. It's pretty sad that most of my recipes I have yet to try. There are also a few that I'm going to be trying from other sites and other books that I have. I'm really hoping this will rejuvenate my love of cooking, but then again maybe one of these mats might help. I am actually day dreaming about having one by the sink for doing dishes, it would be so much nicer.

On a quick side note! I just got a call from a friend of mine who is starting her massage business up! I won't mention any names yet, but I am so excited for her and her husband! Can't wait for the grand opening parties! Yes parties, one for just friends I believe and the other for the public!

Well last night I had a great time catching up with my friend Nicole. We have a great friendship and are almost exactly alike we just go months before we catch up again. Hopefully we can work on getting better at that. :) See our problem is that we talk about everything for hours. We got to Olive Garden at about 730, seated about 745 and didn't leave until after 1010. Well we exited the restaurant at like 10:03. They close at 10.

Mainly on my agenda for the day is getting things planned and researched for the 101. Other than that I've got house cleaning. Not so fun but it's better than a stinky dirty icky house. Besides a wife and/or husband should be proud of their home. One thing I am not proud of is my garden. As calming as it is for me, it's also really ugly right now. We truly didn't do it right, so next year we are going to be pot planting until we get moved. But then again, we may just live in this house until #5 is completed(buy land and build a house).

Does anyone know the best place to get a camera developed?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day TWO: I am failing!

Woohoo.. That is actually a pretty sarcastic woohoo if you couldn't tell.

Okay so I am working on getting a tab or something up of my 101, but I really have no idea how to do it! Talking to my brother right now though and hopefully he can help me!

But I am doing great with #30(keep the car clean for two months) but so far not so good with #84(drink three green bottles of water a day, picture to come!). The night is not over though so 84 still has some hope.

Well I am sort of totally stressing out, just found out that Josh can't make it convention in august!! Really not happy about that so I'm trying to find someone or someones to come with me! I am really praying I find some people! Because a nine hour road trip one way by yourself really sucks. I've got some cheap(nice) hotels picked out gas is pretty much planned for and food wouldn't be to big of a deal since the hotels come with breakfast!! I'm pretty excited about GOING, just not going alone! That is the sucky part, as mentioned.

Here are some photos of my 101!:

My camera has been blury lately! Sorry! But there they are. I like having it written down because I can keep it with me and see it more often to keep me motivated and going!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day one!

So excited that it has officially started!
Well tomorrow you can expect to see the tab I was talking about and much more about the 101! Today has bee prettty good! I lazed around for a while went out side to soak up some sun and write! It was so hot that I was only outside for about 15minutes before I started sweating buckets! I did get some writing done so I'm getting even closer to finishing one of my goals!

I even started helping Josh write his own 101! yippee. By the way if your husband or SO tries to tell you that spraying bellpepper juice on plants will help keep the bugs away...he is RIGHT. BUT it also tries to kill your plants so use your judgement here. Trust me mine will probably get a bit of an ear full when he gets home!

I hope everyone has a great rest of the day! I've got some more cleaning to do..

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday Blues

Thats really all I have to say. I didnt go to church this morning, in fact I am siting here in my clothes on the couch watching Leverage. I love that show. But it is not why I didnt go to church this morning. I was really emotional this morning and I cant get my back to stop hurting.well it did stop but not for long.i feel pretty bad for not going, I really cant stand missing church, but I didnt want to be a distraction to those around me. Thats just not fair. So in just a few I am going to the office and finish Genesis.I'll probably read a but into Exodus. (personal goal I set for my self before the 101 was to read the bible before the end of the year).

So I finally finished my 101 in 1001 took a few days but I got it! i even checked out a few other blogs to get some good ideas. I am really excited about this. And am going to work getting a tab up top
A great funny little thing is as hard as it was to make the list at first, now that its over I'm coming up with a few more ideas. But they are things that I can put on my next list! Have any of you made a101 in1001? Did you enjoy it?

Ya know the movie The Change-Up? With Ryan Reynolds and Jason Bateman? I would LOVE to see it... If it want rated R. But it is. I mean if it didnt have the F word all over it it would probably be a great movie.the previews look hilarious! It bagless me sad that they cant make as true good movie. Everything has to have sex and cussing in it. I really don't see the point.

Well all that house work pretty didnt get done yesterday, except for the mowing. Josh did mowthe front yard. I'm staying home monday to finish up a few things!

Seems I have run out of things to say! So off to the bible I go! Have a great sunday!
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Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy Friday!

I hope everyone has some fun plans for this weekend! I'm sure they will be a bit more fun than mine! The hubby and i are going to be doing some much needed house work. Well, he'll be doing the much needed work I'll be doing the house work. The yard is craving some attention while the inside is just whispering a few hellos.
So I am going to be starting a 101 in 1001! Excitement?YES! I'll be starting monday, well hopefully Monday. It'll be as soon I finish the list. I think I'm somewhere around 42 or 50. Ugh, I am having some of the worst time selling some wedding dresses! There is one I'm thinking I may use in the future(it's part of my 101) and the other I just really want gone. I mean it's gorgeous See!

I loved the corset back! Still do, I almost wish I would have worn it, but I am really happy with how my moms dress turned out...

Have a great safe weekend!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Honestly, as great as life can be it can sure be stressful can't it?

But the only things that really stress me are money. That is the root of all evil isn't it!? ;) Seriously though, money and our dogs stress me out. But if we had the money we could have a wood fence put up and then I wouldn't be so stressed about the dogs(Mainly my husbands dog). But God always comes through and it is always in his time, he's never late never early, always right on time.

I'll be totally honest, Josh and I are having financial problems and we can blame it on no one but ourselves. We haven't been trying as much as we should with our business, it's mainly my fault. I am not going at calling people, really I'm not, not even family. But when the appointment is set that I can do, I've gotten better at it. I'm good at setting an appointment in person, sort of. But it's just something that I have to get over and push through or things will never happen.

Okay so garden update! My one squash plant is doing AMAZING it is HUGE!! I have blooms too! Not to mention the lemon boy is giving me TONS of tomatoes! My other two plants are putting on the blooms and so is my strawberry plant! The spearmint is getting big and my zinnias are doing great! Well most of them are, Im having a problem with caterpillars! But I'll I need to do is get a spray bottle and they will be just fine. Don't worry I'm not using pesticides, I detest those!

So Josh took his permit test today! And he passed it!! yay! So proud of him and his bike is almost ready! Just a few more things and then we need to find the right paint and my baby will be set! So proud, excited and NERVOUS!

Hope you guys have had a great weekend and start to your week!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Independence Day Weekend!

I really hope that everyone had a great holiday weekend! Here's a quick recap of mine:
We went to Josh's parents after he got off work. There were supposed to fireworks at the Huntsville Ball park, but there was none. It was sad. But I had a GREAT time with my sister and brother in law and their kids! My mother and father in law did a great job cooking! It was so much fun!

Sunday we went to church and the kids were so great and cooperative! I even got one little girl to pick up one set of toys before playing with the next set! Then that night we got rangled into coming for the cook out!! Josh made the burgers, I helped with the food!

Monday we went to my moms and had a good time! I am so glad I got to catch up with my sister and see her little boy again! It was a lot of fun. Her boyfriend and his sister were great, I'm really glad I got to meet them! And spending time with my uncle was also a lot of fun! He gave me tips on cooking and we talked about recipes and life.
We didn't watch fireworks at moms but on the way home we saw plenty! Not to mention the street was full of people shooting fireworks. There is something wrong with me though, I love that sulfer/gunish powder smell from the fireworks!

Poor Duchess was so scared of all the noise, she didn't come home until about three when all the fireworks where over. I was really worried but I am so thankful she is okay. We need to get her a wormer pill though and if that doesn't work then we'll be taking her to a vet!
Gobby surprised me though! He stayed at the house and when I let him in the garage with Josh and I while he was working on his bike, Gobby stayed with us and fell asleep with all the fireworks. He is pretty much not afraid of anything.

Hope you have a great rest of the day!


y the way! I wrote this yesterday but my blogging app would have none of me posting it!)
Okay so I know it's actually evening but I had a really good morning!

Let me show you why!:

See that!! That is my Zinnia's!! I have a WHOLE bunch of them sprouting! I can not tell you how excited I was and am! The only thing I'm worried about are my carnations. So far I haven't seen any of them sprout. But I did find 6 seeds that were hiding in the package! I planted them and my last Zinnia Seed that was hiding in it's package! I am so excited to see them all grow! I hope I get flowers before winter!!

Also my Ox Heart Is putting off a tomato! Yay! I finally found out why I haven't been getting anymore before now. The birds have been eating my blooms, I tried to fish that this morning though!

My basil is still doing so amazing! It is unbelievable how much is it growing!

My Strawberry plant has given me two more blooms!

The spearmint is also growing!
I'm just having trouble with these weird mushrooms around it. I pluck them all the time, but I'm having trouble making them go away(around most of the plants) I think it may be the soil I bought...

This is a picture of my zucchini! It is doing great! Two of the three survivors are doing just great!!! I really miss my cucumbers though..

Look! Another one from my lemon boy! It's just great how many tomatoes it is putting off right now!

That rain on the fourth was a huge blessing! Not only did I not have to get up to water my plants, but they seem to be doing great!(obviously lol)

What is my secret you ask??? God and Miracle Grow. It's the former more than the latter though...

Monday, July 4, 2011

For the love of onions

Well we're here at moms! And at the moment I'm alternating between crying and sniffing! For some reason mom has decided to start cooking ALL of supper now, at about 2 is when they started. So the onions have been chopped and the only one not crying is my uncle! Who is a REALLY good cook. He taught me a lot to be honest! We're close and I love him to death(no really I could kill him! Just kidding!)
I hope everyone is having a GREAT Independence Day! I can not thank our military enough! They sacrifice so much and they deserve so much more than just thanks.
Here's a picture for you! or two..

it's like the perfect strawberry! So cute!
and this is some weird bug...

I'm gonna go! Have a great safe day!

The concentration is going really good so far!
I'm still having a little trouble with finishing the book... :(

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Photography ... Is the flame Rekindled?

I may or may not have mentioned this, but I used to love photography! I mean I still sometimes see through a lens. I may never have have an actually amazingly beautiful(and horribly expensive) camera, but I can promise you I can take some darn good pictures with a hand held

These are all actually taken in Oregon. I'm not sure why, but the last two are actually my favorite. I think it's because of the rust edging it's way on to the sides or how theres so many bullet shells.

Well I let things get in my way of my love for photography. I mean, it's mainly one thing, but it still eats at me. Everyone is a photographer today. You don't have to have talent, just a camera and a computer. Those three pictures were not edited. Well what has rekindled the flame is that senior year in school art class my teacher handed out some papers about things to do our concentration on. While going through papers and trying to unpack boxes I ran across that sheet of paper. And the only word that popped out at me was "SMILES". I could have done my concentration on smiles.
I haven't really talked about this either, but I battle depression. I do not take medication and I have not been clinically diagnosed, but I can tell you I have issues with depression. And for some reason, I'm in one of those moods that I have to honestly do a lot of praying and reading the Bible. I also have to force myself into situations that I need to be happy.
So think about it, smiles! What do we do when we're happy?? SMILE! I will now be doing a concentration or I don't really know what else to call it...a collection? This actually makes me really excited because I am going to start today! And I think I'll let it last a month! Not to mention I am really hoping this helps me lose my writers block and insomnia I've had lately.

Thats right, I failed at finishing my book on my deadline. So I have also have a month for this as well. I'll make sure to keep ya'll posted on both of these projects!

now on to greener things!

My basil is doing amazing!! And so are my three remaining zucchini plants!! Huge shout out to GGOD! I mean they actually have their color back. They are the GREEN they are supposed to be.
But I do regret to inform you that I know only have 3 tomato plants. My three babies got roasted, my cherry tomato plant was murdered by a weed eater. And yes I did cry. The lemon boy my father in law gave me is still doing GREAT! My Ox Heart still hasn't given me any tomatoes and I have no idea what else I have planned but it's putting off blumes and hopefully I'll get some tomatoes soon!! Also one of sedum's was murdered by a water hose. It literally snapped at the base. Yeah, not a happy mini farmer. Just lettin ya know!!

Wait I have good news! I planted the carnation and zinnia seeds I completely for got about!! So hopefully they will bloom before the winter hits! Here's a few photos for you!

and here are a few almost ripe blackberries from my back yard!!! I tried one... they are tiny and not quite ready.
You really can't tell...but there used to be a cherry tomato plant there... :,(
here's my only ripe tomato off the lemon boy! he smells delicious and I can't wait to eat 'em!

yay flowers!

Well I gotta go! Hope you have a great and safe weekend!!