Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day TWO: I am failing!

Woohoo.. That is actually a pretty sarcastic woohoo if you couldn't tell.

Okay so I am working on getting a tab or something up of my 101, but I really have no idea how to do it! Talking to my brother right now though and hopefully he can help me!

But I am doing great with #30(keep the car clean for two months) but so far not so good with #84(drink three green bottles of water a day, picture to come!). The night is not over though so 84 still has some hope.

Well I am sort of totally stressing out, just found out that Josh can't make it convention in august!! Really not happy about that so I'm trying to find someone or someones to come with me! I am really praying I find some people! Because a nine hour road trip one way by yourself really sucks. I've got some cheap(nice) hotels picked out gas is pretty much planned for and food wouldn't be to big of a deal since the hotels come with breakfast!! I'm pretty excited about GOING, just not going alone! That is the sucky part, as mentioned.

Here are some photos of my 101!:

My camera has been blury lately! Sorry! But there they are. I like having it written down because I can keep it with me and see it more often to keep me motivated and going!

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