Monday, March 1, 2010

DOGS and animals

The mister and I are dog people. Well, he's a dog person and I"m an everything person.
From funny looking monkeys:



and cute little ones


little kitties


(for a possum this ones pretty cute its a leadbeater possum)



(this guy is ramon he's a Brazilian ocelot, an endangered species)



(this is a baby bongo!)


(baby red panda if your wondering)


Okay I think you get the point. I'm trying to plan a get away trip to a zoo! I haven't been to a zoo since I was about 6or7. Except this one time when I was 10 my mom and her "roommate" took his daughter and I to this lion place. Where there were a bunch of lions in cages and one bear. We don't really get to go have fun a lot and going to the movies gets really old. So to get a break from the stress going on now I think we're going to take a zoo trip. Maybe I'll get some inspirations from there!! haha who knows!! Like maybe little animals on the napkins or something cute like that. It's really sad how many beautiful animals are endangered now.

That includes sea life!! I wanted to be a marine biologist for a little while, well I would love to just be a zoologist.

And I have thought about that all day. I am very fascinated with animals and very very interested in wedding planning. So here's what I'm thinking...I am going to learn quite a lot about animals and going to pursue a career in wedding planning. I am very excited and it helps even more that Joshua supports me!

Oh!!! I forgot here are cute dog pictures!!!

this one is our puppy!! it's from a camping trip back in like...november. Before she was almost eaten by my uncles dog!

this is joshs granny's puppy!!!


how amazing is this dog!!!!


(found this and it was just too cute not to share!!)


Okay I know I've over loaded you with pictures and I am sorry! lol its just. . . come on. . . this is way to cute!!

I can't say that I have a favorite dog, but wolves and big exotic dogs are on the top. Big fluffy ones and little fluffy ones. Okay I love the fluffy dogs!

on a sad note, the invites aren't here yet. They should have been here friday, then they should have been here today, but hey I guess as long as I do finally get them I'll be happy.

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