I may or may not have mentioned this, but I used to love photography! I mean I still sometimes see through a lens. I may never have have an actually amazingly beautiful(and horribly expensive) camera, but I can promise you I can take some darn good pictures with a hand held
These are all actually taken in Oregon. I'm not sure why, but the last two are actually my favorite. I think it's because of the rust edging it's way on to the sides or how theres so many bullet shells.
Well I let things get in my way of my love for photography. I mean, it's mainly one thing, but it still eats at me. Everyone is a photographer today. You don't have to have talent, just a camera and a computer. Those three pictures were not edited. Well what has rekindled the flame is that senior year in school art class my teacher handed out some papers about things to do our concentration on. While going through papers and trying to unpack boxes I ran across that sheet of paper. And the only word that popped out at me was "SMILES". I could have done my concentration on smiles.
I haven't really talked about this either, but I battle depression. I do not take medication and I have not been clinically diagnosed, but I can tell you I have issues with depression. And for some reason, I'm in one of those moods that I have to honestly do a lot of praying and reading the Bible. I also have to force myself into situations that I need to be happy.
So think about it, smiles! What do we do when we're happy?? SMILE! I will now be doing a concentration or I don't really know what else to call it...a collection? This actually makes me really excited because I am going to start today! And I think I'll let it last a month! Not to mention I am really hoping this helps me lose my writers block and insomnia I've had lately.
Thats right, I failed at finishing my book on my deadline. So I have also have a month for this as well. I'll make sure to keep ya'll posted on both of these projects!
now on to greener things!
My basil is doing amazing!! And so are my three remaining zucchini plants!! Huge shout out to GGOD! I mean they actually have their color back. They are the GREEN they are supposed to be.
But I do regret to inform you that I know only have 3 tomato plants. My three babies got roasted, my cherry tomato plant was murdered by a weed eater. And yes I did cry. The lemon boy my father in law gave me is still doing GREAT! My Ox Heart still hasn't given me any tomatoes and I have no idea what else I have planned but it's putting off blumes and hopefully I'll get some tomatoes soon!! Also one of sedum's was murdered by a water hose. It literally snapped at the base. Yeah, not a happy mini farmer. Just lettin ya know!!
Wait I have good news! I planted the carnation and zinnia seeds I completely for got about!! So hopefully they will bloom before the winter hits! Here's a few photos for you!

and here are a few almost ripe blackberries from my back yard!!! I tried one... they are tiny and not quite ready.

You really can't tell...but there used to be a cherry tomato plant there... :,(

here's my only ripe tomato off the lemon boy! he smells delicious and I can't wait to eat 'em!

yay flowers!
Well I gotta go! Hope you have a great and safe weekend!!