Friday, August 12, 2011


Well I can definitely tell you that insomnia sure settles the brain down enough to cohesively write. It's about 12:30 AM as I start this, just to let you know.

There is a slight possibility that I might be asleep if Goblyn would shut up but that is not going to happen and I doubt the sleep was going to happen either. :(

Wednesday and Thursday had some pretty big storms go on and they were mainly RIGHT OVER my house. I couldn't sleep thursday for the thunder shaking the house. It was not fun as all.

Orientation actually went great. NWACC was really helpful. Not mention one of the guys that sat at my table went to school with me in like...sixth grade. He had a great icebreaker with "Hey are you the same Corrin that stabbed me in the leg?"
It was something along those lines lol and yes it was me that did that. Neither of us can remember why it even happened but I was/am so sorry! He really didn't care, which was good. I told him at least he had a cool story now.

So Joshua took the car because it had been raining Thursday morning and wasn't going to be able to pick me up on time. I ended up calling my mom who was able to come get me. It was kinda fun hanging out at the salon she works at. The ladies were all very sweet! I was hoping to get her to dye my hair but that was a no go. She was supposed to take me home after she got off work and before she picked up her friend to take him grocery shopping(he's having car troubles). Yeah it ended up I didn't get home til about... almost 7pm.
Orientation ended at 12:30, she got off work about 4:15.
Now don't get me wrong I've met this friend once before when they both graduated cosmetology school and he really does seem like a very nice guy. And I don't know his life story and I of all people have no room to judge, but he was drunk. I'm not really comfortable around people to are drunk, especially when it's still day time on a Thursday...and we're about to go shopping. Have you ever gone shopping with a drunk man? It's only slightly entertaining.

Like I said he seems like a very nice guy and I know that he loves his children. He bought pretty much all of the food that they like. But I honestly just wanted to come home, my mom and I don't get along all that well anyways so prolonged time that was never supposed to happen stresses me out pretty bad.

Hmm it seems this is all I can really think of to write about. I mean I could go on for a while more but the 1am ramblings would make you laugh your butt off!


(pictures to follow after some sort of sleep lol)

1 comment:

  1. Adorable blog! I love your layout!!! Your title is so catchy...I'm trying to learn...are you a cake baker? Just curious :) I have a wedding blog and love to feature wedding cakes bakers! Hope you stop by!
