Wednesday, August 3, 2011

FML seems to be on repeat today.

aka sometimes is better to be cynical and not trust people.

That if you notice is also what I tweeted this morning. And so so true.

Goblyn kept throwing up last night, and I have to shampoo the carpet in the bedroom, I barely got any sleep, Josh was a pain in the butt, and I went out side to water my plants and my legs became covered in seed ticks. So I think FML covers that. But wait I'm not done, Goblyn has been sick for going on three days. He was acting a lot better the first night but it has gotten worse. I called the vet and if it is parvo it's going to be $300. We dont freaking have $300! The previous owners told us he had all his shots but since they were moving lost the paper work, which hey I understand thats fine. But if they lied I am going to be absolutely ticked off. We haven't had the chance to get either Goby or Duchess to the vet to redo their shots. I guess now I don't have a choice with him. I'm going to have to set up appointments for the rabies and parvo for her and I suppose both for him for like next month.

Not to mention I am getting so ticked off with people. I mean why can't they grow up and act like adults? And why can't people get off their butts get a job and be REAL HONEST HUMANS. I have a bunch of stuff for sale that people keep trying to scam me on. And I don't understand why it is only scammers I'm getting. I have nice crap okay? And I ask good prices PLUS I do bunches of 'or best offer' so wtf???

I know God teaches lessons and you go through trials but this has been a LOOOOONG trial. Maybe we're getting closer to the end since it's getting harder, I don't know. I am just going to keep on reading my bible, praying, and listening to the bible.

Sorry this is a pretty big venting post. Happiness will come soon!

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