Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday Short Story

I swear its like time is absolutely flying these days. I can not believe it is wednesday again. And yes I know I say that every time. :/

Well last night was interesting and so was today:
Last Night

  • Joshua drove to my work place and sat waiting for me to get off work.

  • We drove to a ball park down the street.

  • We cried.

  • I made him get out of the car.

  • I went to a movie with my instate bro. It was pretty good but that will be posted on mah other blog.


  • I did't get a good nights sleep.

  • I worked a double.

  • I keep finding mosquito bites, I'm guessing from the night before last when I sat outside talking with uncle.

  • I read the Zombie Survival Guide at Barns N Noble between shifts

  • Took Joshua some food after work.

  • We talked, he teared up a little.

  • I sent my resume to Head Start( tiny story for another day)

  • Duchess was pathetic. I really missed her! so bad!

  • I was honest with him.

  • oh and before my second shift Josh and I got into a little text fight. He went from angry to apologetic in a like half an hour.

Okay that's it!! ish! lol

Sweet dreams!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Moms: Day2

Have you ever felt so torn to do what the "right" thing is and to do what is the "right" thing just not right for everyone else?

So day two has been almost as uneventfull as day one. With the exception that it is not over yet and I work tonight. I did have a great time last night catching up with my Uncle and Mandy. I LOVE their stories of beating each other and when my Uncle has his kids. Tons and tons of laughing last night.

Now I love my mom but like I've said in previous posts, we're not very close. She's honestly not very close with anyone. But she is my mom and I know that she loves me. And wants to be there for me and is worried about everything going on right now. Although she really only knows a little. Pretty much barely more than ya'll.

I'm actually trying not to cry right now. Well, my brain is trying to go either way. To cry or not to cry that is the question.

Don't worry at the end of this week I will tell you the story and it will be long. Very long.

But while at moms it's almost like deja vu. Or like my Jim-Dad (step dad) said last night: Just like old times. Old times as in back when I did live with my mom and she always "asked" me to do/get things for her. Good times Good times. At least I'm not the one being blamed for touching the thermostat(truth be told NO ONE is touching it).

Okay that's all before I tell the "story" ahead of time!! Hope your day goes by very excitingly!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day Off/First Day at Moms

Where to start? Where to start?

I came to my moms last night after meeting with mah bestie Nicole at Ihop. We talked for almost two/three hours and I promise it felt like only half an hour. When we get together we can talk about 1000 things in an hour and time flies! But those are some of the best friendships!!

My sleep has been better. Which is surprising-ish. Like last night I got rest but not much actual sleep. It's been the other way around for a while, so I'm happy. :)

Oh goodness I really don't know what to say!!

I'm planning on getting my belly button peirced and a few tattoos. I am very excited. Nervous but very excited.

I have my tattoo buddy who is going to be going with me for all of them. We made a deal neither of us can get a tattoo unless the other is there. Did I mention I was nervous??

Okay just checking.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Busy Busy!

I. Am. So. Tired.

Well I got a job!!! Yippee!! Over at the Celtic Grill in Bentonville!

And if my phone would stop BLOWING UP I could probably get this done much faster!

Okay then, I got the job last friday and have been working everyday since. I really really enjoy it. The food is great and the people are tons of fun.

Um...well.. A lot has changed since mah last post. Well since my birthday I guess. But I'm not going to go into much detail about that. Yet. But I'm going to go stay with my mom for a week or so. I've been saying "we" need our space, but it's mainly me. I still think Joshua needs his space, but he doesn't. We aren't separating.

Last weekend I went out with my bests! Had a complete BLAST! We're probably going to go out this weekend, just not sure if we're going over to my 'instate brothers' or if we're going to a concert for Reckless Kelly. haha I'll only get to go to that if I'm old enough to get in! love it lol

WOAH! Just realized it's Wednesday Short Story!! I can not believe it is already Wednesday! or that I forgot!!! Guess I'll just save the rest for later lol

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday Short Story

Is it really Wednesday already? This just doesn't seem right. :/

Bit of a recap for you:

  • I have been beyond horribly addicted to music lately. Of all kinds.
  • Josh and I had a small tiff Monday night, I had a friend who really needed a friend so I went to make sure they were okay. At midnight. Hey I couldn't sleep anyways, and yes it may not have been the smartest decision. I can see you already shaking your head lol
  • I had a stress break down yesterday. Duchess was acting sick(I was getting scared she had parvo) and that on top of everything else pushed me over the edge.
  • Because my FAFSA still hasn't been awarded, or my student loans, I was dropped from my classes. So that caused some more crying.
  • I've decided to be come a bartender. They make great tips and people are going to drink anyways, regardless of who is their bartender. Of course I have to wait a year for this to come into effect but oh well lol

I'm actually going to go and get my classes RE registered! Woohoo this'll be fun!

Hope you have a great day!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I have officially graduated from the teens. I am 20. Holy Cow.

Yesterday(Saturday) was my birthday and it was pretty fun! I don't have really any pictures, but I promise I will upload a PURE photo post. Where the only words are the descriptions!

I had a massage at the Spiritual Journey Massage Therapy! It was the Grand Opening! Dora did a great job! Now they are still brand new and working everything out but I do believe they are going to do Military and Student discounts(call to make sure they have everything set up though). I was so relaxed when I left! I am definitely going to be a repeat customer!
Then I had my hair done by my mommy! She did a great job. Trust me I was very scared. Before she washed all the dye out it was orange and I was freaking out. Last time she dyed my hair it was supposed to be brown with a touch of auburn and long with layers. It ended up being purple. And SHORT.

Sorry did you catch that? PURPLE and SHORT.

Needless to say there were tears.
The before
The after

Needless to say I don't have a ton of pictures of me with the purple hair. It ended up going red after a while, I kept washing it with lemon juice.... So I was a little nervous as she was mixing the dye...

Next I came home watched some tv and jammed to some music while doing my nails. Sally Hansen Platinum. Very cute.

Joshua went fishing just after I came home, so I went out with my best guy friend. It was fun!

I heard from my dad, and my grandparents! I LOVE to hear from them!! Not to mention my step sister called and sang me Happy Birthday!!

Friday, August 12, 2011


Well I can definitely tell you that insomnia sure settles the brain down enough to cohesively write. It's about 12:30 AM as I start this, just to let you know.

There is a slight possibility that I might be asleep if Goblyn would shut up but that is not going to happen and I doubt the sleep was going to happen either. :(

Wednesday and Thursday had some pretty big storms go on and they were mainly RIGHT OVER my house. I couldn't sleep thursday for the thunder shaking the house. It was not fun as all.

Orientation actually went great. NWACC was really helpful. Not mention one of the guys that sat at my table went to school with me in like...sixth grade. He had a great icebreaker with "Hey are you the same Corrin that stabbed me in the leg?"
It was something along those lines lol and yes it was me that did that. Neither of us can remember why it even happened but I was/am so sorry! He really didn't care, which was good. I told him at least he had a cool story now.

So Joshua took the car because it had been raining Thursday morning and wasn't going to be able to pick me up on time. I ended up calling my mom who was able to come get me. It was kinda fun hanging out at the salon she works at. The ladies were all very sweet! I was hoping to get her to dye my hair but that was a no go. She was supposed to take me home after she got off work and before she picked up her friend to take him grocery shopping(he's having car troubles). Yeah it ended up I didn't get home til about... almost 7pm.
Orientation ended at 12:30, she got off work about 4:15.
Now don't get me wrong I've met this friend once before when they both graduated cosmetology school and he really does seem like a very nice guy. And I don't know his life story and I of all people have no room to judge, but he was drunk. I'm not really comfortable around people to are drunk, especially when it's still day time on a Thursday...and we're about to go shopping. Have you ever gone shopping with a drunk man? It's only slightly entertaining.

Like I said he seems like a very nice guy and I know that he loves his children. He bought pretty much all of the food that they like. But I honestly just wanted to come home, my mom and I don't get along all that well anyways so prolonged time that was never supposed to happen stresses me out pretty bad.

Hmm it seems this is all I can really think of to write about. I mean I could go on for a while more but the 1am ramblings would make you laugh your butt off!


(pictures to follow after some sort of sleep lol)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is it over yet???

Question how long can a person pretend everything is going okay before they break down into a ball of tears??

Just wondering.

Well today was pretty good over all! I can cross off #98! Woo hoo I am gettin' it done! lol That is right ladies and gentle men! I have been enrolled, and registered for my classes! So excited!

Okay all, I'm sorry there is so much on my mind right now that I can not concentrate to save my life. So I will write the funness of today down and blog it later. Ugh I am so sorry!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Wednesday Short Story

So I've decided that Wednesdays will be my short post days, but story sounds so much more intriguing!

Well I can very happily knock #93 off! I did it! I got my library card!! Woot Woot! I'm pretty darn happy! I also FINALLY filed my fafsa! Ugh what a wait off my shoulders! Now to check out :) some math books! The Rogers library is pretty cool, I'm sitting here by a window at a desk, so much nicer than getting uncomfortable by a window or stuck in one of the study rooms at Sdale library. Although that is also a nice one.

Swimming did happen yesterday but not with my Dear Amazing Friend! She had a family situation pop up so we'll get together later(please pray!). But I did go last night with Josh and the dogs. Had tons of fun getting Goblyn to swim, he loved it. Then a rouge dog came along and started making the night not so much fun. He seemed nice and all but I didn't want my dogs starting a fight. Josh ended up getting hooked(funny story). He caught his first fish off the bank in months and the lure had three hooks, the fish had two and then josh was posing for a picture. Well the fish got ticked and decided he was going to hook josh so he flailed until one of the hooks caught Josh in the tummy. Don't worry it barely got him.
(the before picture)


Look the Rogers Library even has study lights!! LOVE IT!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Rain Storm= Perfection!

This day has really been a good one! And it's only half way through!!

Woke up this morning in a good mood. Josh and I had fun walking the dogs. And my DEAR amazing friend Nicole invited me swimming tomorrow! Which is perfect because I have been really wanting to go. And to top it all off it is now storming!! My garden has needed the rain! Plus I'll be able to get the t post out of the ground. It even hailed a little! Not enough to finish totaling the car but hey every little bit helps! ;)

This weekend was a ton of fun! I hung out with a friend from high school and had a blast. We walked around down town talked and looked through a few shops. I even helped him find a few cuff links for his brother. My best friend and her family threw my a mini birthday party since they are going to be gone on my ACTUAL birthday! Love them! Her husband grilled and there was mac n cheese and mashed tators (the veggies for the night lol) Along with a very yummy cake!

Then her husband helped me get my nephews car seat properly in the car. They are amazing people, let me just tell you.

I watched my nephew all of Saturday night and part of Sunday. He was a great baby! And so precious!! The only bad part was that Joshua was at his parents all day Saturday. But he was a huge help Sunday when he got home. He moped, did dishes and even did some laundry along with helping me feed my adorable nephew Lane! It was all so cute!

Josh even cooked fillet mignon and some vegies on the grill for me.... I LOVE grilled food. I am so thankful his parents let us have their old one, now we can grill when there is snow on the ground!!

After church we went to an ice cream social and had even more fun!

Can I just say that I am so blessed and so thankful that God led us to this church? There are so many great people there and I love going to church and learning something new every Sunday. For example last night Pastor Brad spoke on the cost of worship and it really hit home that I haven't been giving God the time he deserves and when I do I haven't been giving him my full attention.

By the way Goblyn is so much better. He is pretty much his old self...sometimes a pain in the butt but hey I am so glad he is better! We are still giving him his meds though, he has like 12 more I think. As soon as we walked in the door from the social it was like he was a brand new dog, not at all the sick dog we had left only a few hours before. He is even eating....everything...again...

Gotta go! The rain stopped so nows the best time to get those posts!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Today is a better day!

Goblyn does have parvo. And yesterday was a really hard and stressful day.

And I'm going to tell you about it because we don't read blogs for that same old mechanical stuff. The best ones are when real people talk about their real lives, so that's what I'm going to be doing from now.

Yesterday I wrote about how the vet bill may end up being $300. It turned out to be only $124, which as much of a blessing as that was it was also a little bit of a gut punch. We hadn't planned for that money to come out. So we are skating on ice. It seems like for every amazing blessing God has given me, the devil has provided substantial blows. But like I said yesterday the hardest part is usually before the end.

I cried in the vet office yesterday when they told me he was positive for parvo. I love the Pea Ridge Vet Clinic they were so patient and kind with me. Which in its self was a big help. I cam home and my best friend offered to take me to lunch and let me borrow her vacuum/shampooer which was such a big help! I love her and her family so much! I came home and started cleaning and felt so drained. I haven't felt that drained in a long time.

Joshua came home and was a big help. He finished shampooing the carpets and helped me take care of Goblyn. I know he loves me with out a shadow of a doubt and I know he knows I love him. Even if we don't always tell each other or get upset with one another, we will always have each other.

Then this morning I found out another dear friend of mine lost her job. Which I hate for her, but it actually helped me. She stayed so positive and kept her calm. And through encouraging her I realized I was saying the things I had forgotten. Like God has bigger and better things in store and he IS and ALWAYS will be in control.

One thing I keep forgetting is God will never give us something that is too big for HIM.

I leave you with that. Mull it over and chew on it. Let me know what you come with!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

FML seems to be on repeat today.

aka sometimes is better to be cynical and not trust people.

That if you notice is also what I tweeted this morning. And so so true.

Goblyn kept throwing up last night, and I have to shampoo the carpet in the bedroom, I barely got any sleep, Josh was a pain in the butt, and I went out side to water my plants and my legs became covered in seed ticks. So I think FML covers that. But wait I'm not done, Goblyn has been sick for going on three days. He was acting a lot better the first night but it has gotten worse. I called the vet and if it is parvo it's going to be $300. We dont freaking have $300! The previous owners told us he had all his shots but since they were moving lost the paper work, which hey I understand thats fine. But if they lied I am going to be absolutely ticked off. We haven't had the chance to get either Goby or Duchess to the vet to redo their shots. I guess now I don't have a choice with him. I'm going to have to set up appointments for the rabies and parvo for her and I suppose both for him for like next month.

Not to mention I am getting so ticked off with people. I mean why can't they grow up and act like adults? And why can't people get off their butts get a job and be REAL HONEST HUMANS. I have a bunch of stuff for sale that people keep trying to scam me on. And I don't understand why it is only scammers I'm getting. I have nice crap okay? And I ask good prices PLUS I do bunches of 'or best offer' so wtf???

I know God teaches lessons and you go through trials but this has been a LOOOOONG trial. Maybe we're getting closer to the end since it's getting harder, I don't know. I am just going to keep on reading my bible, praying, and listening to the bible.

Sorry this is a pretty big venting post. Happiness will come soon!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The NEW 101

Is pretty much going to be exactly like the old one. with a few tweeks.

And I have a few secret devices up my sleeves(mwah-hahahaha). I have the countdown app and the water drinking app. Woohoo!

I'm really excited about re-doing the whole thing because I started to feel like a horrible slacker, which may sound funny to you but I am a horrible list person. Mix that with procrastination traits and your in for a little depression. But that is ALL going to change, I am quitting cold turkey on this procrastination stuff! As cliche as it sounds I am about to be a full time college student, full time wife and part time business woman, so I don't have time for procrastination. I made a list today and got most of it done which makes me really happy!

Well yesterday was my moms birthday party and it was nice to see her and the rest of everyone living in the house. I had a great time spending time with my uncle(longish story for another post I'm sure.) Today is my step-sisters birthday, have I mentioned that August is really busy for us?!

I've got to go make PIZZA DOUGH!! Don't worry a more personalized post will be here soon!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Captian Crunch knock off

This stuff has totally stolen my heart!!
It's the kind with the little colored pieces...mmm-mmm-good....

I am happy to report that I almost have my voice back!! I felt absolutely horrible this morning but now I feel so much better. Expect now...I seem to be developing a sinus head ache. UGH I want to never have allergies again. I wish they would go far far away!!
This weekend was pretty lame because I was sick.

Okay about the whole 101 thing. I have failed pretty well(at least in my eyes, which are very critical of myself), so I am going to go ahead and RESTART! woot woot, because you can do this with these things! Don't worry I won't be doing a restart again. But there are a lot of things that I really do want to do and don't like that I've already missed a a week or two on. Not to mention a few things I want to change.

I am happy to report that my ginormous squash plant is doing great and I have a zucchini/cucumber growing along with a TON of shallots that have popped up out of no where!! But on the flip side I'm sad to report that my Ox heart tomato plant has passed away and something ate/cut my strawberry plant. Yeah way not happy about that one, but hey you win some you lose some.

Oh! I am pretty excited and a wee bit(super) nervous! I set up my college email! (fist pump) and am setting up going to orientation and getting my classes scheduled. I also and working on student loans( I missed FAFSA... I think). Shopping is going to be so much fun this weekend!

By the way is anyone else excited to see the Bachelor Pad2??