So I know posted about Mr. Bobby getting sick well that night it was my turn! All day I'd had a head ache and my stomach was a little queasy but I had attributed that to the not eating for so long and the so little sleep. But around 830 it hit. Mr. Bobby had me go take a shower to help my head and just in case I did get sick it would go down the drain. Well he says I was in there about and hour(but it didn't feel like it) at the end when the water finally did get cold i got sick. Took about twenty minutes for Mr.bobby to talk me into going to the hospital. Well we we're there until 7in the morning. And I was not a happy camper. I'll leave out the details but the combined time that they took my vitals, my blood and I actually had "my" nurse come see me, then "my" doctor see me totaled to about an hour to an hour and a most two. Now I'm not saying there were not more important things going on but out in the actually ER room there were people who had been there longer than I had. It was just a stupid situation. I was happy that they took care of a little girl with a105 temp. And a little boy, I think, had a concussion, but they weren't very quick with him.
Oh I also found out I am not pregnant! lol
Any ways, I"m thinking of doing this with the center pieces:
(picture from martha stewart weddings)
and having the bible verses be in the background...
I also found these yummy little treats on They are little carmalized cranberries and now I just need a recipe for them.

(picture from
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