There are a million and one other things I would truly prefer talking about, but I must get this out of the way and try to wrangle my posts in from the infamous ramblings I've been doing.
I feel horribly bloated. Distended belly, amazing muffin top and oh so sexy four pack of fat. :) All of which is mainly from the 160 oz (roughly) of water I drank yesterday and the pigging out I did in the week surrounding Halloween.
"Why drink so much water?", You may ask. Pull up a more comfy chair and let me tell you....
It all started on day when the little devil on my shoulder said, "hey, it's two days before halloween, why not live it up on the candy? Let that sweet tooth have some fun, you can always work out more." Yeah the little angel really didn't have much to say, she knew it was a losing battle. Then came some beer. Pretty good beer too. Then it actually was halloween and my place of employment supplied some yummy candy. Not just some but a whole bunch. So much that there is still a bunch left. Up until yesterday I have been munching on said candy.
I'm actually proud of myself I only had two pieces today. :)
But back to the story.
So Tuesday I decided I need to be much more hydrated. Seeing as I really don't drink enough water through out the day. Or enough of any liquids for that matter. One to two cups a day really ain't cuttin' it. There's been this glass water bottle at Starbucks calling my name for about six months and I finally gave in. Which I am very happy about. So I started drinking more water. And was super surprised at how thirsty I ended up being yesterday. Hence the 160oz of water.
I came home and after eating a bowl of LIFE cereal(maple and brown sugar of my all time favorite cereals) I researched how to lose water weight. And I found some interesting things:
(you can do one or all or several of the following)
Drink 3cups of green tea a day
Drink 3cups of dandelion tea a day ( just go in your back yard pluck a few leaves, rinse them of course, boil 'em and wa-lah)
Drink 3cups of parsley tea(made with roughly 2tablespoons of parsley)
Take a garlic pill (as directed)
And/Or Drink black coffee... which is not something I want to do.
All of those along with regular exercise is smiled upon. And explains why I never felt that bloated when I was regularly drinking green tea... Also why most Asians stay so skinny...hmm... what other secrets do they have? lol! ( I really do love Asian food...)
Well I decided to go make me a cup of green tea, which turned into two cups and I'm now on my third :) . I forgot how much I love this stuff, it really is healthy for you. It helps with depression, infection, has antioxidants, rheumatoid arthritis... I looked some things up for you nay-sayers. Which further embedded the fact that I will be drinking this stuff more often. I will also be trying that parsley and dandelion tea. I love dandelions.
By the way don't give away to many of those little anti-bloatidge gems ;) hahaha
Green tea<a
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