I said I would be revamping some clothes and I have only been able to do one. Well...I guess I didn't fore se how my circumstances would be so I am going to take a break and start all over. But just to prove that I have been trying here are a few pictures! lol
haha this is still the first attempt.
So see! I have not forgotten what I promised. I even fixed my sloppy hem and am going to be sewing it tonight! yippee!!
Well I don't know if I've told you or not but Mr.Baker and I have a tendency to be rough and chase each other around the house...a lot. Monday that bit me hard ha ha ha I stubbed my toe and it still hurts.
please excuse the horrible nail polish...
the close up! lol by the way it totally bruised after this picture.
the culprit!!
I don't know exactly which part of this evil piece of wood it was that decided to stick out and get in the way of my toe but it's all evil to me.
After the toe incident Mr.Baker wanted to go scouting. I protested of course because of the pain emanating from my pinky toe but he just wouldn't listen. So I got all glammed up.
would you like to see a close up?
Gorgeous right? Don't you love what I've done with my hair!!??
and of course we have to have a picture of Mr.Baker. (He really isn't shooting anything he just wanted to look cool because he knew I would be taking a picture.)
Well we were out there for I don't know...two maybe two in a half to three hours. We didn't see anything. Not even a squirrel. Or a rabbit. So thanks to our doggies we will be relocating the hunting spots. Which won't be a big deal but I'm not looking forward to taking down and moving the tree stand. By the way I like the tree stands a lot more than the climbing stands they just seem more secure to me ha ha So finally after the misquitoes eating me alive we decided to go in! But on the way back I did find a pretty flower!

Dinner last night consisted of scallops and asparagus. It wasn't a very balanced meal but it was good. I definitely can't wait to cook scallops again and make it a lil more extravagant meal ha ha
I also made some scones for breakfast this morning! Well I made them last night. They were really good but they could have been a little sweeter. Mr.Baker had a point when he said they tasted a lil more like biscuits. But for breakfast I put some raspberries and a lil more honey on them and it was pretty good!
I am definitely grabbing a soy joy though! YUM I totally need a snack.
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