Today! Has been a very good day!
One day left until HUNTING SEASON!! Which brings me to my first topic of discussion...
This morning an old friend of mine from middle school(we've been casually talking) invited me over this morning to meet her little boy and catch up! It was great! I even got to meet the other man in her life! And I am so happy that she is doing well and is happy!! But the even better news is that this Friday Mr.Baker and I are heading over there for dinner! A little get together so the guys can meet each other and AM and Mr.Baker can meet each other. Even though they did go to school together they never really talked. So I am really excited! We'll be having steaks!
But when I told Mr.Baker about this he got a little upset....Because he forgot that earlier this week I had made plans with AM for a friday night get together. So he is very very torn, he won't be able to hunt the first day of Hunting Season, but he IS getting a steak....
he LOVES steak! ha ha plus it will be grilled!
So I can't quite remember if I told you about little Miss CC's birthday party this last...friday! But it was a lot of fun! We had burgers and hot dogs and cupcakes and icecream and chips! Not exactly in that order, but close enough!
and there's little Miss CC with cupcake all over!
Then after all the fun died down we headed home. And I was still very hyper so when we got home..I pretty much went camera happy! Would you like to see? bah ha ha ha
technically this is BEFORE lol
first I tormented Blue..
as you can tell by the look he gave meand he got even by trying to lick me...
I love the deer caught in head lights look personally!

we put our best duck faces forward!!
for real!
Yeah ya see that little dog there...he stole my spot. I put him on the bed to play cover monsters with Mr.Baker and he just walks right over and lays down. trying to steal my spot!
Well that's all for now! I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!
Well that's all for now! I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!
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