Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lovely Wednesday!

Today! Has been a very good day!
One day left until HUNTING SEASON!! Which brings me to my first topic of discussion...
This morning an old friend of mine from middle school(we've been casually talking) invited me over this morning to meet her little boy and catch up! It was great! I even got to meet the other man in her life! And I am so happy that she is doing well and is happy!! But the even better news is that this Friday Mr.Baker and I are heading over there for dinner! A little get together so the guys can meet each other and AM and Mr.Baker can meet each other. Even though they did go to school together they never really talked. So I am really excited! We'll be having steaks!
But when I told Mr.Baker about this he got a little upset....Because he forgot that earlier this week I had made plans with AM for a friday night get together. So he is very very torn, he won't be able to hunt the first day of Hunting Season, but he IS getting a steak....
he LOVES steak! ha ha plus it will be grilled!

So I can't quite remember if I told you about little Miss CC's birthday party this last...friday! But it was a lot of fun! We had burgers and hot dogs and cupcakes and icecream and chips! Not exactly in that order, but close enough!

and there's little Miss CC with cupcake all over!

Then after all the fun died down we headed home. And I was still very hyper so when we got home..I pretty much went camera happy! Would you like to see? bah ha ha ha

technically this is BEFORE lol
first I tormented Blue..
as you can tell by the look he gave me
and he got even by trying to lick me...

then it was Mr.Bakers turn...

I love the deer caught in head lights look personally!

we put our best duck faces forward!!
for real!
Yeah ya see that little dog there...he stole my spot. I put him on the bed to play cover monsters with Mr.Baker and he just walks right over and lays down. trying to steal my spot!

Well that's all for now! I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My sincere apologize...

I feel horrible. No lie.
I said I would be revamping some clothes and I have only been able to do one. Well...I guess I didn't fore se how my circumstances would be so I am going to take a break and start all over. But just to prove that I have been trying here are a few pictures! lol
Remember this skirt? wow it looks a lot shorter here than in person lol!!

See how un evenly lovely is my first attempt lol
haha this is still the first attempt.

So see! I have not forgotten what I promised. I even fixed my sloppy hem and am going to be sewing it tonight! yippee!!

Well I don't know if I've told you or not but Mr.Baker and I have a tendency to be rough and chase each other around the house...a lot. Monday that bit me hard ha ha ha I stubbed my toe and it still hurts.
please excuse the horrible nail polish...
the close up! lol by the way it totally bruised after this picture.
the culprit!!
I don't know exactly which part of this evil piece of wood it was that decided to stick out and get in the way of my toe but it's all evil to me.

After the toe incident Mr.Baker wanted to go scouting. I protested of course because of the pain emanating from my pinky toe but he just wouldn't listen. So I got all glammed up.
would you like to see a close up?
Gorgeous right? Don't you love what I've done with my hair!!??
and of course we have to have a picture of Mr.Baker. (He really isn't shooting anything he just wanted to look cool because he knew I would be taking a picture.)

Well we were out there for I don't know...two maybe two in a half to three hours. We didn't see anything. Not even a squirrel. Or a rabbit. So thanks to our doggies we will be relocating the hunting spots. Which won't be a big deal but I'm not looking forward to taking down and moving the tree stand. By the way I like the tree stands a lot more than the climbing stands they just seem more secure to me ha ha So finally after the misquitoes eating me alive we decided to go in! But on the way back I did find a pretty flower!
Can you see me??

Dinner last night consisted of scallops and asparagus. It wasn't a very balanced meal but it was good. I definitely can't wait to cook scallops again and make it a lil more extravagant meal ha ha

I also made some scones for breakfast this morning! Well I made them last night. They were really good but they could have been a little sweeter. Mr.Baker had a point when he said they tasted a lil more like biscuits. But for breakfast I put some raspberries and a lil more honey on them and it was pretty good!

I am definitely grabbing a soy joy though! YUM I totally need a snack.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Plan...

So lets start off with the good news.



Pretty awesome right! I'll have a picture of me to post with my awesome (hunters) orange card! The class actually bored me to death although I did learn a few new cool things about rifles and I even got to see a recurve bow. Which no lie the whole ten minutes of class when we were on the bow section was by far my favorite. I was actually really giddy ha ha Which reminds me I need to post a few pictures of my bow!
Church was really good this morning and I'm pretty excited about going tonight. Hopefully next Sunday we'll be able to get Mr.Bakers brother and his family to come along.

Well tomorrow hopefully I will be able to wear a revamped piece of clothing! There will be no hints as to which piece but it will be there. Hopefully. The forecast is saying 91 so I really hope that's not true!
But I've got to go and grabbed a quick bite to eat, Have a great Sunday! and start to the new week!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Pink Failuuuuuuuurrrrrreee...


This is how I feel about that stupid pink dress I've been talking about.

It's evil lol! I am now trying to add some fabric to it to give it a bit more of a...modern look I guess! I was going to ask Mr.Baker about his thoughts on it when we got home last night but he was so tired from work and working out that I forgot ha ha But the good news is now it fits me tons better. But I am worried that once I start to lose weight again it may be too big ya know? If that does happen I'll just make it work ha ha

And just so you know that I have not forgotten about my original deal with you...I wore a piece I had made! just kidding it almost happened! The weather was not what I was thinking it was going to be this morning so I had to change the outfit. The jacket I mentioned last time?? Well it is ready to be worn...on a day that does not have a high of 90F. So keep an eye out for it!

So this morning I had a great coffee date with an old friend from high school, KB! We had a lot of fun catching up and fellowshipping a bit and it was great! But that is all I really have time for right now! I've got to go and get some groceries before picking Mr.Baker up from work.

I really hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pink Dress

That pink dress I told you about? That I would hopefully be wearing for Monday? Yeah well I pretty much had it finished and went to go check how the length of the straps were. The length was great, but my butt was to big for the dress. So hopefully I will be able to fix that soon! Like tonight or tomorrow! I ripped it about two inches trying to make it fit! Trust me I was not very happy with my miscalculations for the taking in. Word of advise double or triple check your taking ins! lol
So other than that Mr.Baker and I found a few deer trails yesterday and we are thinking about sitting out in the tree stand this weekend. If our hunches are right and we don't see any deer we will probably move the tree stand. Pray for me though!!! That I don't get any more chiggers!! Evil little creatures!

So here is a sneak peak at what is coming up and the before picture of the pink dress I told you about..

I really like the design and the buttons!
I look pretty awesome in this git up don't I? ha ha ha

Friday, September 10, 2010

Horrible me

I know I said I would be making my own clothes but after day one I realized this was not going to be very easy to do during hunting season and this month that is leading up. I have had barely any time to complete my other pieces! Hopefully this Saturday I will be able to finish one of them. Really I'm not far from complete I just need to put a zipper in and straps on.
So hopefully I will have that ready for monday. I have been really busy trying to get ready for hunting season! I've been practicing my bow shooting A LOT and I even managed to dry fire it. Yea that was not fun I was a ball of tears for about twenty minutes. I don't know how I did it but Mr.Baker is positive the only way that would have happened was that it had to be a dry fire. I knocked the arrow and I know I heard it click but it was left there in the whisker biscuit after the strings came unwound. I am also very blessed that since the draw weight was turned so low that the limbs didn't shatter and I didn't get sliced.
But it was a very easy fix for the great guys at Southtown and I was also able to have the string silencers placed on at the same time. My bow is a lot more quiet now! yay

Well I am sorry that I have no pictures for you! I feel bad! And I left my camera at home! ha ha
Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hunting for a BOW!!

Our hunting was very successful!

Of course I forgot to get actual pictures of the bow by its self I did get Mr.Baker to take pictures of it with me. I am getting better by the day!! I am grouping and getting great shots! It's really fun, I highly suggest that everyone out there try archery. Well here are the fruits of our labor!! lol

Definitely not a good picture so I will make sure to get some good pictures! It's a Fred Bear Apprentice Bow. Has a whisker bisket, a tru glo sight, gold tip carbon expidition arrows and a true fire release.

It Is My First Bow Ever!!!!

And I love it! Huge thanks to all the guys at Southtown Sports!
I also got a Bear Hat!! See the awesome fish lure!
Well Academy Sports opened last friday up in Rogers so Mr. Baker and I had to make a trip up there. Let me be the first to tell you it was worth it!!! They have some really good prices on a lot of things! It's in Mr.Bakers words "A man's wal-mart."

I fell in love with these boots! Neoprene! Scent block! COMFORTABLE!!!!
See the love in my eyes!?!
Mr.Baker! He loved the boots as well but since he already has a different pair of boots we are going to get him these next year.

So I am sure most of you have heard of Marisa Lynch, she is a California girl who is not buying a piece of NEW clothing for a year! She is buying clothes and making them into what she wants. You can see her fabulous works here at her blog. Like Marisa I was going through "a personal creative-funk-crisis" and then I came across her blog. Serious inspiration! So I decided to do something along the same lines. Instead of ONLY buying clothes to refurb I'll also do small amounts of traditional shopping. By small I mean very small lol.(Hunting apparel doesn't count lol)
Now I am not doing this for fame or to be noticed. I'm doing this for fun and so that maybe some one else can be blessed by this and get their own inspiration from it!

So! First my first test subject is a one piece-two piece hmm.... lookie!
all together now!

I paired my new dress with my brown boots, white shirt and grey undershirt. I grabbed the pink jacket right before we walked out the door because it was chilly!! But it's a perfectly cool day so I'm going to keep it on! I took the skirt of the original dress to make this. I actually took it in quite a bit. There was enough left over material I could have made a second dress, but I cut straps out of the left over material, took this dress in about two inches on each side and about a half an inch seam on the top of the dress.

car shot!

So I am pretty sure that this is my longest post by far!