Today! Has been a very good day!

Well that's all for now! I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!
This is how I feel about that stupid pink dress I've been talking about.
It's evil lol! I am now trying to add some fabric to it to give it a bit more of a...modern look I guess! I was going to ask Mr.Baker about his thoughts on it when we got home last night but he was so tired from work and working out that I forgot ha ha But the good news is now it fits me tons better. But I am worried that once I start to lose weight again it may be too big ya know? If that does happen I'll just make it work ha ha
And just so you know that I have not forgotten about my original deal with you...I wore a piece I had made! just kidding it almost happened! The weather was not what I was thinking it was going to be this morning so I had to change the outfit. The jacket I mentioned last time?? Well it is ready to be worn...on a day that does not have a high of 90F. So keep an eye out for it!
So this morning I had a great coffee date with an old friend from high school, KB! We had a lot of fun catching up and fellowshipping a bit and it was great! But that is all I really have time for right now! I've got to go and get some groceries before picking Mr.Baker up from work.
I really hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend!!!