Monday, May 9, 2011

Sunshine and Blue Skies!

Today was GREAT! It was beautiful outside! Very hot but beautiful, blue skies no clouds a good breeze, it was nice! Especially about 7, it stayed warm and perfect! I did a bit of cleaning today, we received a chest of drawers from Josh's parents and it needed to be cleaned. So it IS clean, I'm just having trouble getting the smell out(it was left in a mold room of the old house), tomorrow I will be putting dryer sheets in the drawers. I worked with our last set that was left in the old house. The only problem is the drawers are in the bedroom, so I've got to get that done now..

Well that's done, and I even was nice enough to let my puppy dogs in! They are adorable, let me tell you.

Joshua received some tickets to the Naturals game tonight and we had a lot of fun! After the first inning things got interesting and I actually got into the game. Although I am sure I asked over a hundred questions!! Haha I'm pretty sure I saw a gleam of enthusiasm from my husband though. We did have to leave early, which I didn't want to but it had to happen. I've got to wake up about 5 and do the farmers market tomorrow.

I'm not excited about the lack of sleep and honestly I don't really want to fall asleep tonight. Don't laugh but I had a zombie dream that I DID NOT like last night. I even woke up, told Joshua I had a bad dream, made him hold me, fell back asleep and it picked up right where it left off.

I am very glad that God blessed me with this job though, it take some stress of of Joshua and really helps me from going stir crazy.

Anyways, I don't know if we won or not as the game was tied when we left at 9:03. But I had a great time and it was my FIRST time to go to a real baseball game!

Sweet dreams!

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