Sunday, October 30, 2011

Not Mommys Little Girl Anymore

I am no longer the little girl who would run for mommy(or daddy) whenever I scratch me knee or see a big spider. As badly as I may want to, I no longer do.

I am a big who is all on her own now. I don't need a man. Maybe for car troubles or furniture that is too heavy. But that's it. I can plunge my own toilets, cook my own meats(this is big because I HATE cooking meat), I kill spiders(after cursing them out for a few minutes), and I know how to shoot a gun. I may not yet be able to skin a buck, but I'll get there.

Life likes to throw lemons and punches and road blocks. But we all learn to make lemonaide, to take the punch and throw one back and we always learn the back roads. But we still can't learn to leave the stress or worry alone. Why is that? There is nothing we can do to change what is happening or what happened. We can, sometimes, change the "will" happen. We all grow and mature, some faster than others. Some in much different ways than others. But we are all human, we are flesh and blood.

I, me, this RainyDayStory girl, is flesh and blood. I have emotions, I have fears, I have dreams and goals. I have my mommy, even though we don't get along. I have my daddy, who I think we're getting close again. I have my family. And I have my friends. I am a big girl.

I have bills to pay, college to put myself through, and a life to live. I have a full plate and can't let it get to me. Like I've said before I don't like not go go going. I can't do one thing for long. When stress hits, I head for the sugar.

Yes, my life is easier compared to most and I have put myself in this position but for me that doesn't make it any easier.

This post is pretty well all over the place, I apologize, but my thoughts are pretty scattered. I almost know what I want to say, just the words are having trouble coming out.

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