The Judge kept pronouncing my name wrong and it made me giggle more. It's still alittle hard to believe that we are married. I'm still living with my mom. But I am slowly but surely moving in with the Mr. and his parents. I almost had him convinced on getting an apartment, but he rethought it(ofcourse) and decided that we would go ahead and live with his parents. Which I guess isn't such a bad idea because it is saving money so that we can get a house.
Mom and I are getting along better! which is nice but I still do think that the only way we'll be able to have a healthy mother daughter relationship is for me to move out.
okay! enough ramble! haha I'll ramble more later it's time for wedding talk!!
I saw a post on weddingbee(a very addictive wedding website!!) where there were candy necklaces and I'm pretty sure I love that.

Don't they look like they are having fun! haha I will have to ask the mister about this before I put it on the list!
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