Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Praise to God!

I honestly can not tell you how amazing God is! Here, let me give you a little back story!

Josh and I are new home owners! And for any of you out there, even you who live in apartments, know that there will always be unexpected tid bits of life that cost money. Well this month we had more than usual and it definitely set us back a little. We had an order that had to be placed, and some how I COMPLETELY for got about it. Well, it was going to over draw us. I called customer service and asked them if there was anyway to post-pone the order until today, the very nice lady told me that as long as the order was made by 12pm mountain time we would get what we want and to make sure we call it in.

So! I get online this morning to get the product numbers of what we wanted to order and the server was way over loaded by other slackers! So once I was finally able to get online and complete the order, I didn't trust the site with the stall I'd been getting. (it had told me that I could complete last months order online) Which made me go ahead and call it in. I had been so stressed about this all night and this morning! The amazingly nice lady told me there was a credit to our account! And that credit made the amount that we would be charged LESS than what would over draw us!

I almost started crying! I called Josh to let him know and I was almost crying! God is absolutely amazing, there are so many things that He has absolutely bless my family with, even though we do not deserve it.

I had a bunch of things I was going to blog about today, but honestly, this is way more important and exciting than the rest of it!!!

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