But I mean, I know I can't be the only person who can name at least 10 people who have JUST had a baby or are going to.
My stepSister BH just had her first baby, a beautiful baby boy! Mr.L!
here he is with his gramparents!!
...and then brother in law M and his wife had their second baby! ANOTHER beautiful baby boy BI!!
Seriously look at the head of hair on this guy!
And he totally had a set of lungs! When the nurses made him mad let me tell you he let them know! Now I just found out my lovely cousin in California and her husband are expecting a baby girl! I am SO excited for them!! I am also excited about all the CUTE things I get to buy for christmas!!
Well as some of you know hunting season is coming up and I am almost more excited about that! ...almost... It will be my first year hunting! So September 9th I will be going to Hunters Ed. And pretty much all season I'll be hunting with a bow! We will see about turkey season though, I'll have to consult Mr.Baker first. Who by they way found me a great! pink and camo bow! We are going to be tagging out this year!

Why, you might ask, would I be so excited about hunting? Because I can not stand the taste of processed meats. So we will be getting all of the meat we can off of the very beautiful creatures. There are a few recipes i am very excited to try and a turkey chili I can not wait to make again!!
Seriously though! Last Thanksgiving we were given so much turkey meat it was ridiculous. So in order to keep all that yummy meat from going to waste Turkey Chili was born!
We'll it's time for me to go and have lunch with Mr.Baker!